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  • edesignuk
    Dec 18, 09:02 AM
    Just as I did in that one, I think it's incredibly sad. The irony in what the RATM croud are trying to achieve is particularly amusing.Why is it "sad"? :confused:

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  • gorjan
    Apr 5, 11:57 AM
    Hope this is a fake, as I absolutely loathe capacitive buttons on phones.

    I agree! My Samsung Galaxy S had capacitive buttons and you could never know if the phone had registered or not.

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  • Alex The Nifty
    Nov 3, 01:10 PM
    You could also either link to or copy the information from www.apple-history.com. It has the specs for (as far as I know) all old Apple products, but is seldom updated, so if we put everything here, then we would have a more up-to-date, all-in-one database.

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  • velocityg4
    Mar 21, 09:03 AM
    I usually get the battery life as advertised by Apple. Though I turn the screen down to two or three bars (usually three since it often flickers at two). The Macbook is also mostly used for light computing such as web browsing with Flash disabled via the Flashblock add-on for Firefox, viewing documents in MS Word or Adobe Reader and rarely watching a DVD ripped to the hard drive (only when flying).

    I could see people easily getting less battery life by leaving the brightness up, playing games or leaving Flash enabled when web browsing.


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  • moneyman118
    Apr 13, 11:35 PM
    Just in case the stealth mission doesn't work call up some Somali pirates for back up.

    I'll be in the elevator with said midget, make that a snappier elevator, to allow for quick transport to the hull of the ship. Once in the storage area we can grab the 2011 iMacs and perhaps a few white Jesus phones ;)

    Edit:The midget was in the old thread, he needs to appear without warning, much like the silent update for the magic trackpad!

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  • awulf
    Jul 5, 09:58 AM
    The Macintosh SE has a 68000 processor which limits it to the StyleWriter series (I think up to the StyleWriter II works on it). Laser printers are different and to my knowledge all LaserWirters will work on a Mac SE.

    THe Mac SE can have up to Mac OS 7.5.5, which includes the LaserWriter 8 driver and other LaserWriter Drivers.

    It depends on what ports are available on your LaserWriter. Tell us the model name.


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  • TheAppleDragon
    Apr 15, 05:00 PM
    I've just installed Lion on a blank drive on a new Air and this is in Software Update. I'm definitely running DP2 as it says in the dialog. Is this telling me to update to something I already have or is there a DP3 I haven't heard about?
    It's just a minor (supposedly, not enough people have looked into the deeper changes) upgrade, nothing much new - though you do have to use Xcode 4.1 DP 3 to make applications after updating. Guess that counts... sorta. :P

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  • leekohler
    May 3, 12:33 PM
    Yes they are anti-gay marriage, and anti-abortion. Here is our wonderful new Prime Minister in 2005 making his views on the subject heard:


    Also concerning is their stance on internet freedom, gun control, and Afghanistan. 4 years of majority government will be very interesting, I doubt we will see another conservative government for a while once it's over.

    They will do a ton of damage in those four years, so get ready. The more I read about them , the more they scare me just as much as our conservatives do.

    Wow- just watched him. He's a real horse's ass. How the hell did you guys elect that fool? I'm even more concerned for you Canadians now.


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  • Stewie
    Oct 27, 01:23 AM
    Looks great, but there's still no SPAM filter? COME ON! Every e-mail provider on the planet has had this for years. I even have one on my own server, set up in less than an hour. This can't be taking Apple 5 years, can it?

    This is one of the reasons that I don't use the web interface. That along with the fact that you can't set a different reply to address makes it useless to me.

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  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 5, 10:34 AM
    Seems a bit early to have a finished iPT 5 hanging around. It's not on market for 6 months.

    That's because it is capacitive, meaning it is a surface that senses the ouch, not an actual button.

    Thanks for that explanation. I was curious about the term and how it was used.

    I always question the sanity of people who claim to question other peoples sanity of ridiculous things. :cool:
    I question everything and people say I am insane.


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  • redeye be
    Jun 1, 03:30 AM
    This is a great widget, and itself justifies the upgrade to Tiger! BTW, I believe you can update any widget by selecting it, and then hitting command-R (just FYI for the summary in the first post).
    Good point, glad you're enjoying the widget.

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  • TechNut315
    Apr 14, 03:37 PM
    its a thursday afternoon. Shouldnt the intelligent people be... working?

    im a bored college student, not immature kid. A little smartass humor does not hurt in my opinion. Unnecessary one word posts are annoying though.

    Its only Thursday afternoon, where you live.


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  • fxtech
    Apr 21, 04:48 PM
    Ahh my wet dream of John Carmack and Steve Jobs on the same stage gets a little closer.

    A touchscreen is a HORRIBLE interface for an id game. Far worse than even a standard "stick" controller.

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  • brucem91
    May 3, 10:13 AM
    I have the same problem.. it might be. may it be that mac version is not available if submitted computer stats are of a pc?That can't be it, because I gave mac specs, and had an option to download the pc or mac version. I think I remember reading something about the mac beta being only for america, though i could be mistaken.


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  • Oppressed
    Apr 24, 11:42 AM
    Ignoring current situations and if I could have it any way I want:

    Macbook Air 11.6''

    - Intel I5 ULV, 6mb FSB

    - Nvidia GeForce GTX 460M

    - SD Card Slot

    - Thunderbolt Port in ADDITION to 2 USB ports.

    - Get rid of the bezel around the screen and either make the screen slightly larger or make it black edge similar to MBP.

    I would just settle for the i5 and Nvidia chip. As for the collapsable ethernet port... moving parts? ew.

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  • notjustjay
    Mar 23, 01:48 PM
    One of my favourite features of the Apple TV is the ability to AirPlay a video stream from my Mac or from my iPad. I can watch a YouTube video, say "hey guys, check this out" and have it up on my big screen TV to show my friends in moments. Or I can purchase an iTunes movie or TV show, bring it to a friend's house, and play it on their TV.

    Imagine a future where AirPlay is a ubiquitous standard. You could carry that iPad anywhere and beam your favourite videos to any of your TVs or video displays, without the need for an Apple TV at each one... that would be incredibly cool.

    I'd want an AirPlay-enabled TV in my kitchen, so I could beam it cooking videos or recipe photos or otherwise put up stuff to watch while I'm working.


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  • Wallpaper Info. Cute Baby

  • alFR
    Sep 26, 01:54 AM
    See that roughly spherical, green/red piece of fruit in your lunchbox? Better start thinking of another name for it before the cease-and-desist letters start arriving....

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  • Xeperu
    Feb 22, 11:55 AM
    So basically you pay like this for your phone now:

    1. Minutes
    2. Data on broadband
    3. Power for microcell

    ATT should pay you for this.

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  • Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 5, 09:51 PM
    I might just be missing something here but how does this imply that Apple is putting thunderbolt in here?

    Only TB-compatible (mini-) DP-connectors have two lanes.

    Apr 8, 04:47 PM
    Any games scheduled for it? What about NEC TG games?

    Atari's Greatest Hits the buzz on the iPhone/Touch/iPad right now... ;)

    Not sure, but here's hoping this year.

    And a HUGE YAWN to Atari's greatest hits. I downloaded it for my DOUCHE-iPad and tried out the free pong game. As usual, smudge screen controls are shite for most games that require reflex. But it's definitely easier to play them on a larger screen than a tiny phone screen, where one's thumbs cover a large portion of the screen.

    If I had an iCade, I'd buy some of the arcade games from the collection, but not the Atari games... But the problem there, is then I've lost portability.

    And on this subject about old games. On my Nexus One, my Android phone, I have an emulator for all my favorite consoles, including of which the Atari. I bought/downloaded all my emulators directly from Android's Market Place -- something I'd have to jailbreak my iPad to do -- and with a utility I downloaded, I can connect my Wiimote to my phone via bluetooth and then plug my Classic Controller into it for superb controls. The only glaring issue here, is that for portability, this is not practical. Now if only someone would release a tiny Bluetooth joystick at a local retail store, I'd buy it.

    Anyways, I wants the VC on my DS, as its controls are integrated and nice. Here's hoping that Nintendo will allow me to transfer the games I bought for the Wii to the 3DS.

    Apr 25, 10:13 AM
    I'd like this:
    ... in an MBA form factor.

    Will Cheyney
    Nov 28, 10:56 AM
    Yes. Run a WHOIS search and check the DNS addresses (a set of 4 addresses usually something like, ns1.hostingcompany.com).


    Apr 12, 04:15 PM
    Pfft, this whole "iPad fad" is going to fade away now any day now. Right guys? ;)

    Oct 6, 01:29 PM
    Two new models, a "high end" and a smaller "low end" model???

    Already exists. They are called the 8gb iPhone 3GS for $99, and the 32gb iPhone 4 for $299.

    Next year, there will be an iPhone 4 with 8gb for $99, and the iPhone 5 will take over the $199/$299 spots with new, fantastic features. :)

    How much cheaper does Apple need to make the phone to entice buyers? What can they do to make a more expensive phone for "high end" customers? Make it gold-plated, or possibly an iPhone with 24" spinner rims?

    I agree with everyone else here, Shaw Wu should stop being a fake analyst and get to work at his new, more appropriate job� asking me if I want fries with that.