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  • Sesshi
    May 8, 01:02 AM
    Particular interest would be Intel OS X and Windows.

    Engineering, simulation, etc.

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  • Doctor Q
    Dec 24, 01:13 PM
    By coincidence, I set my first MobileMe calendar event alert just yesterday. I was adding events for 2011 to my calendar and I decided to specify an alert, not sure if that meant simply that it would sync with iCal on my Mac and pass the alert instructions along. Now I know that I'll get alerts in MobileMe too.

    I wonder what happens if you are not logged into MobileMe at the time the alert should be sent but you log in after that and before the event itself. Do you get all pending alerts when you log in?

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  • MaxBurn
    May 5, 09:22 AM
    Yesterday i could still pull a 4.3.2 shsh, i didn't realize tiny umbrella wasn't 4.3.3 aware yet so it pulled 4.3.2.

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  • hdsalinas
    Sep 28, 05:01 PM
    I'm getting a little anxious for iWork '07. Hopefully we'll finally get a spreadsheet program.

    Yes and how about a name for it: "iCheat"


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  • Counterfit
    Oct 26, 01:17 PM
    Oh how I wish it did :(

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  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 21, 09:51 PM
    This is crazy DO these people really think this would work? Myself I know they are only thinking of themselves or their church or people who think like them. They can't possibly want everyone to have this law.
    Proposed Ballot Initiative Could Allow North Dakotans To Refuse To Follow Law On Religious Grounds

    CONTACT: (212) 549-2666;

    BISMARCK, N.D. � The North Dakota Secretary of State received a petition today supporting a state constitutional amendment that could allow anyone � including employers, landlords and medical providers � to refuse to follow any law based on their religious views. Supporters of the so-called �Religious Liberty Restoration Amendment� claim to have gathered enough signatures to place the proposed constitutional amendment on the North Dakota ballot in the next general election.

    If passed, the amendment could allow people to refuse to comply with any law if they claim a religious exemption.

    The following can be attributed to Robert Doody, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of the Dakotas:

    �North Dakotans have a proud history of respecting their neighbors� right to live their lives according to what they believe, even if they do not share those beliefs. But this proposed amendment could lead people to refuse to follow virtually any law. It could allow people to argue that they have a right to abuse their children, refuse to hire people of different religious faiths or deny emergency health care.�

    The following can be attributed to Daniel Mach, Director of the ACLU Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief:

    �While all North Dakotans should be free to practice their faith, the proposed amendment goes too far. There are better ways to protect religious freedom without legalizing discrimination and undoing many long-standing laws that protect the public and ensure that everyone is treated fairly.�

    Did you know the ACLU is a Zionist anti-american based organization bent on destroying religous freedom?


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  • Peyote
    Dec 22, 09:33 AM
    Well that's it. I guess we graphic designers will soon be obsolete models!

    I imagine some day Honda will invent a robot that can conceptualize and that has an imagination. Then we're really screwed.

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  • ChicoWeb
    Apr 27, 11:45 PM
    Consumer services don't work well as a real CDN. Here are some suggestions:

    VPS ( (UK company)
    Amazon cloud s3 (
    Rackspace (

    I vote RS.
    After amazon's latest flubs and being hacked w/ wikileaks, I'd be hesitant to rely on them right about now.


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  • ghall
    Jan 9, 09:30 AM
    I hope iLife does come out today. I'm kind of bored with the '06 version. :D

    that is, of course, unless Leopard is to be announced as available at the keynote. (Which it won't be.)


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  • Diatribe
    Nov 25, 05:01 PM
    Heh, true. :D

    Just not for the next few weeks, that's all.

    But you're right, I think the pace has slowed down a bit with the guides. I see the same 7-8 people editing posts though there are many more registered. I asked for a bit of help with my Beginner's Guide... only one person helped... I think it's more a question of mobilizing the people than to request more guides... there are already way too many stubs and dead links.


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  • Newfiebill
    Feb 18, 10:38 AM
    Hi Guys & Gals,

    I'm going to make the jump to an Intel SSD this weekend to replace my stock 320GB (5400 RPM) Drive in the 2010 Mac Mini.

    Those of you that have actually done this, did you find that the Logic Board really needed to be shifted at all? I've been looking at the OWC installation Video and it would seem to me that the drive will lift out over the Logic Board without moving the board at all. It would mean that I would only have to detach the first SATA and two heat connectors. The least amount of connectors I have to pull the better I would assume. Also, I'm thinking that the black vinyl covering wrapped around the 320GB drive is there to protect the moving/electrical drive components on the bottom of the drive, which I would not need on the SSD. I know that I need/should replace the piece of tape to hold the heat sensor wire on the new SSD.

    Any help would be great.....:)

    2010 Mac Mini (2.4MHz - 8GB RAM Intel 80GB SSD(pending)) Air Port Extreme, 2TB Mini Stack External Dive, 16GB WiFi iPad, 32GB iPhone 3GS.

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  • twoodcc
    Oct 20, 01:16 PM
    so i wonder how a Core i7-860 will do with folding? the top of the line iMacs seems to be shipping with this processor, and from looking at reviews of the processor, it seems to be a little faster than the core i7-920


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  • TalonFlyer
    Jul 2, 10:14 AM
    I updated Safari 5 before I updated to 10.6.4. I did not see this issue when updating in this order.

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  • aptenergy
    Feb 23, 01:16 PM
    I got

    Connection Error: Could not connect to MySQL instance at localhost. Error: Unknown system variable 'sql_mode' (code 1193)


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  • yoyo5280
    Oct 19, 04:30 AM
    cool! thanks!

    same 2 you :)

    (i luv apple shirts :) )

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  • Seven17
    Mar 23, 10:51 PM
    I am already at merval bb parked, drinking some French vanilla.


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  • abhic
    May 4, 12:17 AM
    Hello All
    I don't know if this is the right place to do it or not but here goes:
    I am a proud owner of a 2011 MBP and am absolutely in love with the latest from Cupertino. I had previously compiled a bunch of reviews from the experts on my blog at , before mine got delivered.

    This time, I wanted to write my own review and thought I should get feedback from other members of this community as well:

    If you would like to share a well-written review of your 2011 MacBook Pro - 13/15/17 in at least 100 words and 1 image, then I am your man.

    I want to compile all of the submissions I collect here into one big blog post, which each of the reviewers can also publish on their blog. I think it would be interesting to see this all in one post.

    What say folks?

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  • chstr
    Oct 1, 08:13 PM
    the above meant Andres Segovia. also Julian Bream and John Williams are great classical players. Paco Pena and Paco DeLucia are great flamenco artists. Try Pierre Bensusan for fingerstyle stuff

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 11, 06:08 PM
    The Apple logo looks a bit like the Apple Records logo.

    Jul 11, 06:49 PM
    this worked for me at the screen saver password prompt. another issue that apple really needs to address.

    Jun 17, 11:19 PM
    TMNT Turtles in Time is a classic theh graphics are a nice touch

    Oct 20, 09:40 AM
    closest apple store to the everglades and lake o, anyone coming here?

    Apr 24, 07:54 AM
    Actually there is a malloc, it's embedded in the memcpy.

    My mistake. But the underlying problem is the same: the address of returnElement is on the stack. The address of the memory the at malloced in the call to memcpy is "lost" as it is never saved into a variable. So that malloced memory is leaked.

    But, if I understand you correctly, the act of copying from the heap to the stack has the same effect of free()?

    No. Absolutely 100% not. You have allocated space on the heap with the malloc. The malloc returned the address for you to free later. You did not save this address so cannot call free but that is OK as memcpy also returns the destination address (so as you can put the memcpy and malloc in one line like you have). But you fail to save the address their, instead dereferencing the pointer and saving that value in a variable. So at this point the malloced space on the heap is leaked. This is a problem. The space you allocated on the stack for the double is fine: it will get cleaned up for you.

    The solution is to split this into two lines. You need to have a void * pointer variable that you store the return from memcpy in. You can then dereference and cast the that into returnElement. And finally free the void * pointer returned from memcpy.

    Feb 11, 02:23 PM
    We always felt we were limited by certain open source projects, so we built our own. We have limitations on some of our remote systems, but we have no limits to the customizations in our proprietary CMS.