DAM NATION, contributor
The pilot episode does a really good job of showing what Platinum Hit is all about. Not only are we getting connected to the contestants, but we are also getting a taste of what the competition will be like. The first Hook Challenge is to write a chorus about the City of Angels, Los Angeles. The process was hilarious as the contestants were only given thirty (30) minutes to complete the challenge. Most of them seemed to be running around and scrambling for ideas, while Nick spent the entire time laying on the floor watching everyone run around and act crazed. Nick claimed to have written his hook in his head within the first few seconds in which Jewel announced the challenge.
RECAP after the jump!!
The winners of the hook challenge were Sonyae (Winner) with "Love It or Hate It", Nick (2nd) with "My City", Scotty (3rd) with "No One", and Jackie (4th) with "City of Dreams". Since Sonyae was the winner she got to choose her team first. She chose Blessing and Amber. Nick got to choose next and decided on Jes and Karen. Scotty was next and went with Brian and Nevin. Lastly, Jackie was left with Johnny and Melissa.
The contestants then went to work creating a full version of the winning hooks and this is where we really got a chance to see who are the creative contestants. Sonyae was very much so a Diva, while Blessing sat back and came off as lazy and Amber struggled to have her voice and opinions heard. Nick worked well with his team of Jes and Karen, allowing them to contribute ideas. Nick's team worked best together.
Scotty and his team, Brian and Nevin, fought over the creative process and lyrics with Nevin not really paying attention to the detials of the song. It felt like Brian and Scotty had to keep questioning his input. It came off as kind of annoying to the audience. Jackie, Melissa, and Johnny were rocky. Melissa had a spout of ADHD and kept straying away from the challenge, while Johnny and Jackie had to consistently pull her back in.
During the performances, the contestants where joined by Judges Jewel, Kara, guest judge and Vice President A&R of RCA/Jive Trevor Jerideau, and second guest judge Jermaine DuPri. The groups each performed the full version of the hook challenge songs one by one without any feedback from the judges.
Afterwards, the groups where sent to a waiting room while the judges collaborated ideas on who they thought won or lost. The contestants where then brought back to the stage where they would hear their fates. The winning song went to Nick, Jes and Karen with "My City" and they were informed they were safe from elimination. Nick really seems to have it together. He's tough competition. The next team saved was Jackie, Johnny, and Melissa with "City of Dreams". Third was Sonyae, Blessing, and Amber with "Love It or Hate It", although they were told the only thing that saved their team from losing was Sonyae's original hook.
The losing team was Scotty, Nevin, and Brian with "No One". The judges commented on how the song went in a completely different direction than what they had originally heard in Scotty's hook and gave each contestant a chance to explain what went wrong. Brian and Scotty basically threw Nevin under the bus the entire time.
The judges asked the group to leave while they decided who would be eliminated. When called back, Kara informs Soctty that he is safe but that he needs to work on his lyricism. Brian and Nevin are at risk of eilimination. The judges make comments of Nevin adn Brian's songwriting and how they didn't seem to fully grasp the context of the song. Jewel anounces that songwriting is either "Hit or Miss" and then announces that Nevin "Missed". Brian is saved.