The idea actually started when I saw the Bracket Tournament at TVLine where it was all about the Greatest 'Idol' Performances. I figured why not do it here, but tweak it a bit because I knew that coming up with an initial list of great performances would be a little problematic - it's very subjective. So, I realized, why not have the Idols compete with each other! Haha.
Of course, these polls will eventually turn out to be simply a referendum on who's got the most organized online fan base, but one has got to admit that this ought to render some meaningless amusement. Admit it, polls - no matter how silly - are fun!! Sue me.
Ok, So here are some general notes before I begin the virtual tournament, which will start this week:
- There are a total of 120 American Idol Finalists (semifinalists, not included) since Season 1, but we only need 64 American Idol contestants to complete the virtual tournament. Idols will be whittled down to 64 during Round 1.
- For Round 1, polls will be posted with ALL finalists listed for each season. One poll per season. Everyone will be allowed to vote three (3) people per season and 5/6 Idols will advance to Round 2.
- By the end of Round 1, 59 people will move on and the remaining slots will be given to the people who got the next 5 highest votes, regardless of season.
- Round 1 polls will be open for one week.
- The next rounds will be less complicated. Every two days, at 10:00PM EST, a head-to-head poll will open for two (2) days and the winner will advance to the next round.
- Results will be hidden while the voting is still ongoing just to add a little suspense to the whole proceedings.
- Head-to-head battles will be done randomly.
- Of course, please give feedback! I would be overjoyed to read your comments.
- Enjoy the virtual tournament!!